Round One: Days 4-10


This week was busier than expected, and I didn’t get to get online to post what I ate for the last several days.  Mostly because I came down with a cold on Sunday, and that cold, as all colds do in my life migrated into my sinuses and lungs.  I spent the better part of my day in the clinic getting a Netti Pot, Tylenol C, and an Nebulizer.  Did I mention my absolute love for CP Rail (if you want the long story, read follow the link.  Short story– nearly every illness I get ends up with me on antibiotics, I am trying to avoid them like the plague I have).

Anyway, the results of this week on the diet have been.  Weight: 140 (down 4 pounds!).  My exercise has been next to none, due to the cold, but my eating has been on target.

My husband and I attended the Air Force Ball on Friday night, which was before said wonderful plague.  We “enjoyed” an evening listening to General Harris speak (which if you get the opportunity, I recommend listening to General Harris speak), eating some mediocre food, and we left before the DJ really got the party started.  The DJ sucked something awful, General Harris tried to redeem him on the dance floor, but when he began playing Gangsta Rap, there was no going back.

Round One: 21 Day Fix, Day 4


Had to insert a picture I took last weekend at the Beach Blast Triathlon…

Breakfast: Granola, yogurt, and strawberries

Lunch: Chicken Caesar Salad, Apple

Dinner: Roast Beef, Potatoes, and Spinach Salad

Workout: 8 miles in 1:17 hours.  I ran outside for the first time since May

I did cheat a little bit today, but not a horrible cheat.  Ryan decided again that sleep was over-rated and got us up at 4:00 AM.  I needed a little caffeine, so I popped open a Coke Zero.  The lows last night were in the mid-60s, and I felt like a human being running outside, and I did end up walking around mile 7 for a short period.  The walk was needed, because I ran faster the last miles.  I did weigh myself again, and I busted into the 130s!

Round One: 21-Day Fix Days 2-3


Breakfast: Yogurt, Granola, and Strawberries

Mid-morning Snack: Grapes

Lunch: Chef Salad

Mid Afternoon Snack: Pita chips and hummus

Dinner: Chicken Chili

Evening Snack: Nuts

Workout: Rest Day

Saturday:  *Cheat Day*

Breakfast: Granola, Yogurt, and Strawberry

Lunch: Oriental Salad, Apple, and Pita Chips with Hummus

Snack: Nuts

Dinner: Filipino Rice, Chop Suey, Chicken Stir Fry, and Lumpia

*2 glasses of wine and Pineapple Upside Down Cake

Workout: The One Run 5K race.  I finished the run in 25:51, and placed 3d overall, and 2d in my age group 🙂 (though I only will receive the award for the overall placement.  I was so happy to run for my son’s school.  All the proceeds went to the Scholarship Fund.  There were around 140 runners running yesterday.  I was a little bit slower than usual, but I attribute that to an evening run, outside in heat of the afternoon.  Additionally, along the water, there was quite a headw wind.

On a very, very positive note, I weighed myself after 3 days on “the diet”, and I have lost 3 pounds!

Round One: 21 Day Fix Day 1

For Breakfast:

1 Red Container (Protein) of Greek Low Fat Yogurt
1/2 Yellow Container (Carbs) of Gluten Free Granola
1 Purple Container (Fruit) of Strawberries
1 Tablespoon of Chocolate Chips

For Lunch:

2 Green Containers (Vegetables) Chopped Lettuce, cabbage, and carrots
1 Red Container shredded chicken
1 Purple Container Apple
1 Orange Container (Dressings/Healthy Fats/Nuts) Asian Dressing

For Supper:

Chili with Shredded Chicken and Vegetables (1 Green, 1 Red, and 1 Yellow)
1 1/2 Yellow Container of Brown Rice
1 Blue (Cheeses) Shredded Cheese


Purple Container Grapes
Green Container Cucumber

Workout: 10 mile long run in the AM, contemplating another 5 miles this PM

I didn’t have a mid-morning and mid-afternoon snack, so by the time it was time for supper I was starving.  I ate the grapes before supper, and the cucumbers afterwards.  I can honestly say that besides before supper, I have been satiated all day.  I have made some changes to the diet…

– I am allowing myself 1-2 cheat days a week (depending on how much I run)
– I am not making my own dressing (I’m using store bought dressings)
– I am allowing myself a few tablespoons of dairy

I don’t think I could this few calories during high mileage days/weeks.  But this was enough food for a 10 mile day.

Round 1: 21 Day Fix, Day 0, 18 September 2014



In 2005, I gave birth to Sophie, and thus started my weight loss story.  It never really finished.  I fluctuated between 150 pounds and 135 pounds.  Looking at these pictures you might say, you really aren’t fat.  This journey isn’t about fat, or thin.  I know that many, many people would be ecstatic to be the weight I am right now.  I, however, am not happy at this weight.  In 2009, my husband ran Boston Marathon.  He worked for years and years to get there.  I’m about to run New York City Marathon, and I am excited about running the race, but I’m not entirely satisfied.  Since I restarted doing marathons and half marathons in 2008, I have wanted to run Boston Marathon.  My heaviest running weight was 152.  I ran OBX Marathon in 5:12 hours.  My lightest running weight was in 2013, I ran Atlanta Publix Marathon.  I weighed 135.  I finished in 4:05 hours.  I had a strict regimen of eating, Cross Fit three days a week, and running over 50 miles a week.  I know that it is too late to really change too much for NYC Marathon.  I cannot suddenly start Cross Fit, and maintain my running schedule without risk of injury.  The only thing I can do right now 6 weeks before the marathon is change my diet.  Which is what I am going to do the next 21 days.  I intend on continuing the diet until I hit my ultimate goal weight, then I will go on maintenance.

I never did before shots, so here are my before shots.  Unfortunately, I will not be able to post my measurements, as I cannot for the life of me find my damn tape measure.  It is hidden somewhere in this house :).

My starting weight is: 144

21-Day Fit Fix By Beach Body Day -3

I decided to try a new diet plan, because I have become increasingly frustrated with the changes to Watchers, and increasingly hungry from Calorie Counting, and decided that I am a straight up lazy dieter.  I am tired of counting stuff, doing complicated equations, measuring, weighing, and estimating how many points, 1/4 pound of chicken breast is worth.  There were weeks when I ate all my points, I gained weight.  The weeks I didn’t eat my points I barely broke even.  I realized that Weight Watchers was not a sustainable lifestyle for me.  There is no measure of the quality of what you are eating.  Furthermore, if you eat the frozen meals or the snacks sold at the local meetings, you’ll soon realize that you will still not lose weight.

After an epic failure the last six months at Weight Watchers, paying over $120 in the months I was over my goal weight (which is a reasonable 135), I decided that I was going to try using the Fit Bit Flex.  I thought that knowing the quality of the calorie I was eating, would make me more likely to eat healthier.  Instead, the quality of the calories only discouraged me and depressed me.  I thought about doing Dr. Oz’s 10-day detox, but again many of the foods while doing the detox are foods I enjoy.

We went to Mexico Beach this weekend, and my husband ran a Triathlon.  The kids and I sat in the motel room and watched Informericals.  One of the Infomericals was about Beach Body 21-Day Fix.  I was instantly intrigued.  It was relatively inexpensive.  The foods were not frozen foods, most of the foods were commonly available and not overly expensive.  It was very easy to do, and if you ate everything they recommend in the serving sizes they recommend you are eating a diet complete with healthy food options.

How It Works?

Basically, there are seven differently colored containers– green (vegetables), purple (fruit), yellow (proteins), red (carbohydrates), blue (healthy fats), and orange (others) (2 of these).  Each of these containers corresponds with a different food group.  There’s a complex calculations which determines how many calories you should eat to lose weight.  Then based on that complex calculation, they assign the number of each container you should eat.  You eat the number of containers you “should” eat, you lose weight.

So I did the complex calculations, and according the website I should eat 1200 calories to lose weight.  My mouth dropped.  On a “good week”, I sometimes burn upwards of 3000 calories in one day!  So I decided that I would utilize all my knowledge of fitness, and “adjust” the program.

How I am using it?

There are four categories that you use to determine the number of containers you eat (1200-1499, 1500-1799, 1800-2099, 2100-2300).

If I am doing a complete rest day (inactive): I will eat 1200-1499
If I am running a short run (4-6) miles: I will eat 1500-1799
If I am running a medium run (6-10 miles): I will eat 1800-2099
If I am running a long run (10+miles): I will eat 2100-2300

Of course I will adjust this as needed.  Even further, unlike the program, I’m only going to strictly follow the diet through the week, and give myself “weekends” off.  Look for before, after, recipes, and reviews as I work through this.

I’m back!

After a few long months of hard work (and a few months of being a complete slacker making every excuse in the book).  I am starting to “brand” myself, and starting to get more pieces published, additionally I have started a Fine Art America Store Front.  The store front will feature– photography, painting, and some poetry on top of photography (I don’t know what that’s called).  Additionally, I am now a guest contributor on “Many Kind Regards.”  I have had three blog posts featured, and my latest feature will appear on Monday.  Please visit my new store front:  Fine Arts America.  There will be more pictures added weekly/daily as time allows.  I have a novel I’m working, anticipated publication date in 2015-2016 time frame.  After the novel is complete and editing/publication is done, I will be working on my first screen play for a Rom-Com chick flick called: “The Last Man On Earth.”